Monday, May 14, 2012

ARCH7111_W11_Peer Review

Zhenxun Chin (Zen)

Zehuan Zhang (Faye)

Yi Zhang (Angel)

Anthony Choi

Xinchi Zhang (Miller)

 Xiaonan Quan (Myself)

How can I win?  [Y/N] 
In order to win the competition, the idea must be creative and valid, and the presentation must provide a strong impression and mood to the viewer. I think the core idea of my design which is giving a precast element to each resident in Africa slum site, so they construct the town hall and town voluntarily is innovative. The precast components have a very capacity of people’s creativity. Each resident could add their signature to his or her part. Moreover, the town hall does not have a solid form. People could transform it to other public space, such as cinema and stage. The communication is established in the constructing and transforming actives. The town hall and even the town is shared by every residents, it grows as the population increases. I try to draw the process of the formation of new culture and new life in my design. I think it was the point for my design to win if possible. I am still testing the presentation solutions and hope I could provide some gorgeous images in the final result.